Amen this is not the end! Justice awaits. I see that, “everything right now feels like Good Friday and Holy Saturday” very well put, a refreshing perspective. On Good Friday Jesus cried out, “my God my God WHY have you forsaken me!” Wow! Jesus felt all the deep deep things we feel when we cry out WHY WHY WHY God and there is only silence!!!! I thank God He is not a talker or a rambler. He is Sovereign and Supreme, the ultimate Holy Strong Mighty One, whose silence is POWER! He sees the end, only moments away, (in His eyes) and knows. His silence is He knows! That strengthens me today in my weaknesses and heartaches. He KNOWS! Sunday is coming, victory is coming, Justice will prevail, God will see to it all His promises are fulfilled!

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Mysteries abound within our beliefs. One sure thing we can rest on is our hope and faith Jesus is on his way back. Maybe currently in the planning stages, but nonetheless, he is returning. Outside of questioning God's actions from time to time, I also cry out, "How long!?"

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I've heard God does not mind our questions. I too questioned why on Monday because I had prayed for a hedge of protection around all the schools and awhile later it happened. I asked God why was my prayer not enough.

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Thank you so much for your words Pastor Sauls. As the hymn writer says, “It is Well with my Soul”, but my heart is broken for the Covenant family and my tears keep flowing. The reminder to just cry with those in pain and not to speak at all was what I needed to hear. I am praying for comfort and healing for all those involved in this tragedy.

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There aren't any good answers. We can have hope that suffering will work out for good, and that God in the future will make all things new. But why not do it now? Why have the extremes of grief and suffering concentrated so strongly for some people and not others? Why intervene and kill a man for steadying the Ark of the Covenant with his hand, but not intervene ahead of these shootings? If you are going to remove evil from creation in the end, why not do it now? It's akin to me allowing sin to damage my life and cause suffering for others, but be OK with it, since I'll take care of it and deal with it later.

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God gave mankind free will - hence these things can happen!

Simple -God is good but man is sinful


If we didn’t have free will we would not be human

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This is good. I would also add that, though God is sovereign, He does not meticulously control everything that comes to pass. He has allowed us free will. As Tozer put it, "“God sovereignly decreed that man should be free to exercise moral choice, and man from the beginning has fulfilled that decree by making his choice between good and evil. When he chooses to do evil, he does not thereby countervail the sovereign will of God but fulfills it, inasmuch as the eternal decree decided not which choice the man should make but that he should be free to make it. If in His absolute freedom God has upon His creatures. He would be afraid to do so.”

These tragedies are what happen in a fallen world. God didn't make the world this way, we did. However, He invites us to join Him in the redemption He has offered the human race. Those of us who have already been redeemed can rely on Him as the Great Comforter in these times. It's easier said than done, but that is where our hope lies.

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Thank you, Pastor Sauls. I have been, along with the rest, grieving for the mom of the shooter. What an unbearable pain she must be left with.

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Thank you, Scott.

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This is excellent, Scott. I picked it up from a fellow-Clemsonite who was encouraged by your blog. Thank you for expressing in words what my soul is feeling in unspoken resonance with all the emotions you list in this piece. The metaphors used for Jesus' emotions are powerful and are exactly what I've been processing. Thank you.

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my soul needed this.....

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Thank you Scott. Tragedies like this cause us to experience many of these emotions. And rightly so. I pray today for our Nashville friends and family, and especially for the Covenant School community.

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Thank you for this.

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Thank you for these thought provoking words

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I’ve been waiting expectantly for what the Lord would teach us through your words Scott. Thank you for using your gifts so well to help, guide, and support us in times like these. Grief is so so big. These truths help so so much.

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Very impressive and emotional 👏

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