We can have great understand of who our Precious truly is and strive to seek Jesus and all that encompasses life focused on Him. However, as Paul said in Romans 7. Dr Peterson's Message renders this well - "the power of sin keeps sabotaging my best intentions" "I realize I don't have what it takes. I can will it but I can't do it." "I delight in God's commands." "Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question?" "The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled to do something totally different." Praise God, Jesus Christ can and does in this life of contradictions.

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Read 1st, 2nd Peter & be encouraged to grasp what is truly precious.

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Scott what an insightful post. Thanks for reminding us of our continual clinging to the “Precious” in our lives and that Christ is the only thing that can fill the desires we have.

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As I read this I was gracefully reminded that I still have “Precious” stuff to surrender to Jesus on a day by day life with Him. Thanks Scott.

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Amen. Don't forget that many times we will also put God in a box and that seeming innocuous process will become our Precious. We need to be able to at least mentally understand that God is not limited by our own feeble understanding of Him. He goes beyond anything we can ask, think, or imagine.

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Amen, Scott. If I’m not clinging to Christ, I’m clinging to something less - no matter what that is. He is everything.

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