
Many people need this in life, as many people get great things for God and for our self gets confused.

Like, for example, a person praying in public. Sure, they stand up for God, but what if they do it to show off?

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So beautifully written. I wish my 25 year old self had read it, my 60 year old self was encouraged and blessed. Thank you.

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Thank you Scott. I'm thankful for the ways I have seen you live humbly and I remember how you spent time with people like me when there were many others in a space that had well known names. I had asked you why you did that and you had responded that you valued and wanted to shepherd the sheep. Thank you for your living testimony. This morning I was reading in 1 Samuel today about David and Goliath and was pondering the braveness of David when no one else was brave or even supporting him. I pray that we can live brave in Jesus for an audience of One-Jesus. Thank You God for the Spirit giving me more to ponder about as I seek to live brave for Jesus. God help us not turn inward when You give us braveness to walk by faith. Downward mobility is good and the best is yet to come!

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Lovely essay Scott

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Finally, I see the words written in such clarity of truth. What you’ve shared is what God has put on my heart many times but I had not been able to articulate it as you have. Thank you for writing Scott as this is so encouraging to me especially in our season. Love you brother.

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Yes, Haggai has said that to a lot of people. So did the other guy in Atlanta.

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I will read this a few more times. Thank you.

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I love what you have written here. It applies to what’s going on in life at the moment and is a beautiful perspective

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A bruised reed He will not break.

It's good to "hear" your voice again.

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Thank you starting to write again Scott, we have missed you writings greatly. Sad to hear of the transition from CPC but, praying for your next steps and that you will continue to steward the mysteries of God in a compelling and impactful way to the world.

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As always, you make me think and that is a good thing in this 2023 world!

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Love you Scott! Great and timely article - thanks!

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Beautifully written and lived out. I assumed you’d have many reflections, thoughts, and lessons to wring into words, and here they begin to pour out. I look forward to reading and learning with you. As always, your words inspire and chalenge me. Onward. Downwards. For His glory.

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Thank you for continuing to share your voice with us…I am always grateful for your perspective.

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Beautiful illumination towards the upside-down reality that is the Kingdom of God! Thank you for picking up the pen again.

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Beautiful. Glory is not beyond the Cross but within it. Thanks for this.

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