Thank you for this balanced and wise encouragement, Scott. I’ll be returning to this repeatedly over the coming weeks and months, no doubt.

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Thank you, Julie!

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Thank you Scott. Even though I'm a Brit from across the pond, we here in the UK will of course be affected by the policies of the new administration. But as you helpfully remind us we must wear our temporal citizenship lightly for 'our citizenship is in heaven', and if we do feel any sense of 'patriotism' then let it be patriots for the Kingdom of God, inspired by Christ, not any political ideology.

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Thank you for engaging, Michael!

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Excellent and, needless to say, timely. Katherine and I were just pondering "How should we then pray for the president?" Your short paragraph (in the context of your full essay) is a great answer to that question: "Practically speaking, our prayers for a president—both during a Biden administration or a Trump administration (or otherwise)—should be more similar in content, tone, and posture than they are different."

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Thank you John! Much love to you and Katherine...

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I know you quoted Bill Haslam. But I have a sneaking suspicion he was quoting you. 😉 Good stuff, Scott. Thx.

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Thank you for this wonderfully biblical admonition. I'll be sharing it with my family members who are ensconced on both sides of the aisle. We are called to love those on the other side of the aisle and we can't be selective about that, only choosing to do it in certain circumstances. Got it. You know me well enough to understand that what follows is not a "gotcha" question, but in the Hitler scenario, when there was horrendous injustice to millions perpetrated by one individual, what is the Biblical response in that context? I've read Bonhoeffer...

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In Hitler's case, I side with Bonhoeffer 100%. Nietzsche, their fellow German, gave helpful context when he admonished that in our attempt to defeat the monster, we take great care that we not become the monster.

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Thank you for the reminder of King Saul and David. We so easily forget that we are not the first to experience difficult unrepentant leaders. David’s response to not retaliate. So many things to ponder as we enter this next cycle. Thanks Scott.

And by the way…., you are the reason I ended up on Substack. I followed you on instagram and one of your posts led me to “finish” the reading here on Substack. I love this community and the ability to engage and connect in a civilized way with others. It’s been terrific. So I started to try my own Substack writing.

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Thank you Janet!

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Scott, I appreciate being able to comment without being a paid subscriber. I am unsubribing to all the sites which do not allow comments...

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What a balanced Gospel centered reminder of who we are in Christ as Lord of all, even politics. Thank you Scott.

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Thank you Steve!

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Thank you for this very timely reminder of who we are and Who is really in control. This past 8 years of political unrest has been a trial that has shaken my confidence in our government. I never dreamed I would see this behavior in our nation or be in divided conflict with family and friends. But, I too have concluded that God IS still on HIS throne. At any moment HE can “flip the tables and cast out the money changers”. I will hold to HIS word and anchor my hope to HIM.

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Thank you Lu Ann!

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"today - and every day - Jesus remains Lord." Thank you, Scott, for reminding me of this today.

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Thank you Lynn!

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